Learning Resources Centre
The Library (known as the LRC) is a very busy part of the school. It provides oveR 1000 boys with good reads and books to support learning, careers books and books on further education, comics and laptop loans.
Library Book Recycling project
Each term the RSPA consults with the LRC to establish which books the boys would like to see more of in the library. They are popular titles and many of us have copies on our bookshelves at home. Maybe you are having a clear out and could donate some pre-loved books to the school? Please donate by dropping books at the LRC and leaving a note of your son's name so a bookplate can be added.
Wish List
For Christmas, RSPA has devised a classic way of gifting. We ask each department of the school to make a wish list on Amazon, of all the items that thye think would be useful for our boys.
Library Laptops
Since our pupils spend a considerable time at LRC, the school often endeavours to keep their resources up to date.
RSPA made a significant contribution to this by donating 10 new laptops in 2024.