Small Donations Project

funded soley by the many parents who have signed up to shop via one of our charity online shopping sites.


What can £100 do for you?

In 2019 the Reading School Parents Association were delighted to launch their Small Donation Project. Its purpose is to fund a small number of grant requests which can be applied for by the students. The items must be of benefit to a group of students, whether it is a subject class, tutor group or an after-school club.

Grants are funded by the money received from our charity online shopping sites. Currently we receive donations from The Giving Machine and EasyFundraising. For those unfamiliar with these sites they are online platforms which provide us with a donation when you make purchases at no extra cost to yourself. Links are attached, and they are really easy to sign up to.

Every additional parent, carer or member of staff who shops via these sites increases the pot of money available to benefit our children whilst attending Reading School.

Students may apply for items up to the value of £100. Only one application form per pupil per year should be submitted. Students can fill in the form found below, ask their Tutor to sign it, and return it to the RSPA by emailing

The RSPA will review the application at their next committee meeting.

We also welcome applications from staff members who may also apply if the item benefits a subject class or tutor group. In addition, they can apply for a grant for an individual boy if they believe that this would allow them to compete or take part in an activity, they would otherwise not be able to participate in.